
Satirizing suffering as a route to social change: impetus from oral genres produced during COVID-19 in Nigeria

Vortrag von Prof. Dr. George Olusola Ajibade, 24. November 2021, 10-12 Uhr, Forum 6, Raum 00.691 (Kleiner Übungsraum) im Rahmen des Seminars "Von A wie Acholi bis Z wie Zulu: Literaturen in afrikanischen Sprachen"

Many scholars have in the recent time focused on the role of comedy and satire as tools for social change, predominantly in terms of their effects on communal knowledge, attitudes, and behavior. The effect of contemporary satires on the political opinions of their audiences is contested. Some scholars and commentators claim that satire has a unique effect and may reach a non-traditional or a non-convinced audience. I will engage how the power of tropes of satire or comedy can offer a route to broader public engagement, especially during COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria. It is my opinion that comedy and satire influences public attitude and behavioral pattern either directly or indirectly.

The research aims to amplify the voices of under-represented and under-served communities in Nigeria to contribute to the understanding of Global Health in an epidemic context. It will document and communicate the plural and various lived experiences of, perspectives on, and responses to, COVID-19 in vulnerable communities in Nigeria as an example of sub-Saharan Africa. More specifically, it will determine the impact of social media, audio and video compact discs of songs, poetry, and drama produced by artists; radio and television jingles and newspapers have on public opinion; determine the prominence given to COVID-19 pandemic in indigenous poetry; and interrogate the deployment of various literary devices in addressing the scourge of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Lyrik in Madagaskar

Vortrag von Maike Meurer (Mainz) am 12. Dezember 2018 im Rahmen des Seminars "Urgent Voices: Afrikanische Lyrik", Wintersemester 2018/19.

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Constructing the African city in hip-hop

Vortrag von Nikitta Dede Adjirakor (Bayreuth) am 28. November 2019 im Rahmen des Seminars "Cityscapes in neuerer afrikanischer Literatur", WiSe 2019/20

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